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PoVE Water at Baltic Water Works Conference 2023

On May 17-19, the Baltic Water Works Conference 2023 took place in Jurmala. The Latvia Water and Wastewater Works Association (LWWWWA) in cooperation with The Estonian Waterworks Association (EVEL) and the Lithuanian Association of Water Suppliers (LVTA) gathered more than 200 participants from water management companies of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Ukraine, Great Britain, Finland, and Denmark. The aim of the BWWC 2023 was to learn about the current events and good practices in the sector, as well as to promote cooperation in solving problems.

During the Conference, Janis Rubulis from Riga Technical University, had the opportunity to present activities implemented in the PoVE Water Scale-up and to raise attention about challenges in the education process for water professions. You can find his presentation here.

You can also find additional presentations about Sweage Sludge Management, Continuity of Water Management Services in Emergencies, and Industry News on the conference website here.

Additionally, you can watch the video from the conference on Characteristics of Water and Wastewater Company Employees on YouTube here.

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