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CIV Water's 10th anniversary

Wednesday 29 March was a big celebration. After all, CIV Water was celebrating its 10th anniversary! Reason enough for a celebration.

In an interview, the chairman of the day put programme manager Pieter Hoekstra in the spotlight. Pieter did not allow himself to be thrown off balance and proudly explained how CIV Water has developed from the beginning until now. After all, CIV Water would only exist for five years. Guests also got the chance to tell what CIV Water has meant for their organisation.

Time for discussion

A spirited discussion followed. In a 'Lower House setting', two propositions were debated: 'Diplomas should be abolished' and 'Students should be allowed to decide when to go to class, compulsory attendance is no longer necessary'. There was good discussion and both sides had good arguments why they were for or against the proposition.

MBO teacher of the year

Amin Asad was invited as a guest speaker. Amin teaches law in both mbo and hbo and was named teacher of the year in 2021. He told his impressive flight story from Iraq and how he motivates his students. He has no success formula for helping students find internships, but firmly believes in connecting and building relationships. Without relationship, no achievement.


As icing on the cake, Pieter symbolically exploded and the beautiful new logo was unveiled as well as CIV Water's new website went live. A result to be proud of that would not have been possible without the collaboration with Digital Agency Junction and marketing agency Wettermerk.

Organised by MBO students

Students from the Friesland College's Event Management and Stage & Event Technology courses organised the party. This allowed them to gain practical experience, something CIV Water considers very important. Among other things, they arranged lighting, sound and entertainment. For instance, the theatre students provided a playful action right after the unveiling of the new logo. Scattered professors gave everyone a test tube with a blue drinkable 'substance', to which they all toasted to another 10 years of CIV Water.

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