MBO Life Sciences' Experience Event took place from 14 to 17 March.
Last week was the Experience Event of MBO Life Sciences and CIV Water, in search of the future. MBO Life Sciences is a school full of opportunities in thre
e different worlds: Laboratory, Food Innovation and Water, Earth & Climate. The aim of the three-day event was to let secondary school students experience the world they will be trained for if they choose MBO Life Sciences. Each day focused on a different world at a different company. The group was supplemented by MBO students from the programmes, so the students could hear first-hand how much fun the programmes are.
On Tuesday, students experienced the world of the laboratory at Wetsus. The day started with a presentation on Wetsus, the water technology sector and a tour of the laboratories. The central question was: How clean is the water of the Potmarge? Students and pupils took samples from the Potmarge and went into the laboratory to carry out various analyses.
Food Innovation
On Wednesday, the focus was on the world of Food Innovation at cheese farm De Gelder. Here, students worked on two questions: How can De Gelder save energy in their production process? What uses are there for the whey streams? The participants saw exactly how the process went from the calves just born, growing up into dairy cows, the milk in the tank to making cheese in the factory. Whey and different types of cheese were tasted.
Water, earth & climate
On the last day, pupils experienced the world of Water, Earth & Climate at Wetterskip Fryslân. Wetterskip is struggling to make people aware that not everything can just be flushed down the toilet. Participants were given a tour of a WWTP where they could see what is fished out of sewage water. Wetsus' toilet demo was along, where you can literally see what e.g. paper, sanitary towels or wipes do to the flow of the toilet. Then they were allowed to think about how to make a campaign about this.
The day's programme was based on the one we also use at a makathon. Besides the organised part, the participants also went to work on the central question themselves. At the end of each day, the groups presented their findings to the company. The best presentation received a mini-drone as a gift.