In January 2023, Leeuwarden hosted the kick-off of the international project BARCOVE, of which CIV Water is one of the partners. BARCOVE stands for 'Building an Applied Research Facility Into CoVE'. This is an ERASMUS Research Project on monitoring water and biodiversity on green roofs.
BARCOVE is about conducting applied research in vocational education on urban green space. The project on monitoring water and biodiversity on green roofs will start in January 2023. The duration of the project is two years.
BARCOVE focuses on applied research as a lever for scientific, technical innovation within urban space, green and water management.
The four research areas are:
Permeable paving
Soil and plant properties in technical Sustainable Drainage Systems
Rainwater systems
Green roofs
BARCOVE is coordinated by OKNygaard from Denmark. Besides CIV Water, the other partners are Ginkelgroep, Projar, EFA la Malvesia, Green Acadamy Arhus and Yuverta Netherlands and World Skills Romania.
Working with CIV Water