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Representatives of secondary vocational schools and grammar schools at MENDELU discussed mutual cooperation

Mendel University in Brno together with the environmental education organization Lipka and the Secondary Industrial School of Construction invited representatives of secondary vocational schools and grammar schools to a discussion on cooperation between institutions. 26 participants representing 13 secondary school institutions together with representatives of the university discussed the possibilities of effective cooperation and risks in the future.

"The main benefit of the event is first and foremost the creation of a community that should help the pervasiveness of education and the exchange of information between different types of schools. In the future, we would like to include representatives of the labour market in the dialogue so that our activities for students will benefit their skills, which will provide them with greater opportunities for employment," evaluated the organizer of the event Michaela Menšíková from the Institute of Applied and Landscape Ecology AF MENDELU.

Secondary schools are very interested in the involvement of students in Secondary Vocational Activities and competitions sponsored by the University. They have also expressed interest in full-day programs on the university campus with the possibility of using university laboratories, including the upcoming Digital AgroEcology Lab, where students will be able to learn using virtual and augmented reality.

All three organisers are associated with the Platform for Vocational Training in Water Management (PoVE water), which aims to attract the younger generation to work in the water sector.

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