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The PoVE South African mission is approaching fast

Stellenbosch University Water Institute is honored to host the annual Platform of Vocational Excellence (PoVE) in Water mission from 18 to 22 November 2024. We are looking forward to welcoming the PoVE Water delegates from Latvia, the Netherlands, Germany, Estonia and the Czech Republic at Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS). The program provides the opportunity to discuss what has been done so far and what activities lie ahead within the project, and how the partners can support each other’s activities.

The European delegates will meet and interact during the hackathon with South African delegates from technical and vocational colleges, the Department of Water and Sanitation, local municipalities and the Energy and Water Sector Education Training Authority (EWSETA). The hackathon will take place on 20 and 21st of November at the auditorium of the main library of Stellenbosch University. Three challenges related to the South African water sector will be introduced by water experts to the audience. In an international mobility exercise the South African and European delegates will work together in groups to analyse the challenges and find possible solutions to these.

The PoVE South African mission will also coincide with the official launch of the South African Centres of Vocational Excellence in Water, in close collaboration with the EWSETA.

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