“121 litres of water a day, that is a crazy amount; I did not know we were using that much,” said one of the school students during the WECF workshop “Where does water come from?”. WECF works with students, introducing them to the topic of water, with the long-term goal of getting the younger generation interested in water and water-related professions.
WECF reaches out to young people internationally with our partners, starting from elementary school, as we believe that children should be sensitised to the topic of water and sanitation at an early age. Our ongoing workshops, organised as part of The Platform of Vocational Excellence Water (PoVE Water) project, supported by the Erasmus programme, has reached more than 60 students between the ages of 10 and 17, in the last school term. The project PoVE Water is a joint initiative that includes 23 international partner organizations.
On the 9, 10 & 17 of July, we visited the schools Gut Warnberg Realschule, Begemann Schule and Primary School at Herrenstraße in Munich. Introducing them to the topic of water on different levels, according to the class schoolyear. Topics such as German water bodies, the water cycle, water pollution, and water scarcity were the main topics interactively discussed. Students thought about daily practices they could do in the future to act more water-friendly. Moreover, the students received insights into academic- and work fields where various water issues can be tackled, ranging from urban design and the textile industry to general water management and sewage management. In order to inspire the youth to actively participate in tackling the water crisis, these fields were connected to the student’s particular interests and insights. We look forward to organising further workshops in the upcoming school year, since they proved to be successful, interesting and fun for the students participating.